Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bro Bo is also my Financial Mentor

Hi there, I'm excited to tell you that I joined Bro. Bo's Truly Rich Club.  It's all about taking charge of your financial future and receiving  no nonsense tips about financial literacy.  The bonus materials such as e-books and audio books are awesome.  It's truly value for money.  Speaking of Tips, let me share to a taste of Bro. Bo's Truly Rich Club:

The Secret Of Retiring Rich:

 “Money Cost Averaging”
             Just a short letter from me today.
          Let me tell you a story.
One day last year, I talked to my 80+ employees.
          From managers to janitors.
          I loved it.  
Because I don’t see them often.  
You see, I’m a lazy boss. More importantly, I also have a fantastic team of leaders in the office.  So I get out of their way as much as I can.
 Obviously, my staff was wondering why I was meeting them.
            I took the microphone and announced, “I’m here to make sure that when you retire, you retire as multi-millionaires.”
            You should have seen their faces.   Some were probably thinking if someone spiked my breakfast with shabu.
            For the whole morning, I taught them how to invest in the Stock Market.
            Janitors. Messengers. Clerks. Managers. Everyone.
            I also was able to answer their questions.
  I’m sharing some of my answers to you below.
  Because they might be your questions too.
Question: “My father lost money in the Stocks. How can I be sure I won’t lose my money too?”
Bo: Your father is normal. Statistics say that 85% of people lose their money in the Stock Market. Because they were trading. Most likely, your father was trading. But today, I’m not talking about trading the Stock Market. Trading means buying and selling stocks constantly, trying to “time” the market. That should be left to experts. I’m talking about long-term investing. Ten or twenty years. This is the right away of investing, and I’ll teach you how to do that.
Question: “Will my Stocks grow at 20% every year?”
Bo: No, it won’t.  For example: One year, your investments will fall by 20%.   The following year, it will rise by 30%. The next year, it falls by 10%. And so on. It’ll be a roller coaster ride. But if you put tiny amounts of money every month over a ten or twenty year period, the average growth will most likely be 20% per year IF—and that’s a big IF—you follow the simple money-cost-averaging strategy I’ll teach you.
Question: “Is that realistic? 20% average growth?”
Bo: Stock Market Analysts didn’t pull this figure out of thin air. They base this projected growth on past history. They backtracked 20 years ago. This is what they found out: If a person invested small amounts of money every month in top-notch, solid, great companies, the average yearly growth was 20%. That’s the power of money-cost-averaging.
Question: “What is money-cost-averaging again?”
Bo: Investing small amounts of money each month over a period of ten to twenty years.   Only in great companies.  Money-cost-averaging is the secret of the wealthy.
Question: “You tell me to invest in great companies. But I’m not an expert. I don’t know if a company is great or not.”
Bo: I’ll tell you what these great companies are.   Stock Market Analysts study all the companies in the Stock Market. That’s all they do the whole day. Through my TrulyRichClub, I’ll give you the current Stocks that I invest in.
Question: “But don’t great companies also go bankrupt?”
Bo: Rarely, yes.   But that’s why analysts watch these companies like a hawk.   If you’re a member of my TrulyRichClub, I’ll warn you if we see something fishy.   Through my Stocks Update newsletter, I’ll tell you if you need to stop investing in a particular company, sell your shares there, and invest in another company.
A Company Of Multi-Millionaires
After my talk, it was pretty noisy.
Everyone was talking, asking questions, and filling out application forms.
My 80+ employees were filling out their Citiseconline application forms, asking help from one another.  (Note: Citiseconline is our preferred online broker. They have a “missionary” goal of helping “smaller” people learn to invest.)
I also instructed Weng, my Chief Accountant, to offer the entire staff “automatic salary deduction” each month—so they won’t forget.   This is voluntary of course. But many took the offer.
I thank God I’m the boss. I can do things like this.
I told them, “When you retire from this company, you’ll get the usual retirement pay employees get. But don’t depend on it. Because it’s very small. It won’t last. But if you invest the way I’m telling you to invest, you’re creating your very own Retirement Fund. Even if you just invest P2500 a month, you may end up having P5M in 20 years.”
            That day, my 80+ employees went back to their work happy. Very happy.
            Because they’re taking charge of their financial future.
            That was last year.
            After one year, most of them are doing very well in their investments.
            My drivers. My messengers. My janitors. My clerks. It’s amazing.
            Today, when I enter the office, I see a happy bunch of people.
I notice a bright hope in people’s eyes.
            Now here’s my question: Are you ready to have the same hope in your eyes too?
            I pray so.
            If you want to build a retirement fund worth millions, join my TrulyRichClub. For more information, CLICK HERE .

May your dreams come true,
            Bo Sanchez
PS. No matter where you are, I can still guide you in your financial life wherever you live—here or abroad. How? Join my TrulyRichClub now. Once you become a Gold Member, you’ll receive my twice-a-month Audio PowerTalks, my twice-a-month WealthStrategies newsletter, and a collection of my Ebooks brimming with practical wisdom. Including my powerful Ebook, My Maid Invests In The Stock Market… And Why You Should Too! 
PLUS, you’ll also receive my twice-a-month Stocks Update newsletterto guide you in how to create your multi-million Retirement Fund in Stocks.   Personally, I believe now is the best time to get into Stock Market. Don’t wait. Seize the opportunity. For more details, .CLICK HERE

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What's your expertise?

 "Times are really hard lately in terms of cost of living and it seems that things are getting more difficult day by day.."

That's from what I've been hearing from my colleagues... including myself sometimes... :D I'm just curious... I'd like to ask you today what field are you expert in?.. or let me rephrase that. would you want to be known as "Problems Expert?"... that sounds good, right? Before you answer that, let me share to you what my idol (Bro. Bo) has to say about it:

"The extraordinary person is someone who can see big blessings within small blessings."

Let me tell you a story I love sharing to people.

Do You Want Big Money?
Start With Small Money

Early last year, I taught my maids to invest in the Stock Market. They started by saving P2000 a month.
A few friends laughed at me. Someone asked me, “What can happen with their P2000 a month? That’s so small.”
But that’s why people remain poor. They don’t see the big money in the small money.
Today, one of my maids has P72,286 in her Stock Market account. The other one has P88,069 in her account. These amounts may mean nothing to you, but to them, they feel very rich.
They started with a small amount. Just P2000 a month. But when they discovered how investing worked, they were hooked. So when I gave them a raise or gave them a bonus, they didn’t spend it. They invested it.
Here’s my fearless forecast: I have no doubt that in less than 10 years, my maids will be millionaires.
Huwag mo smallin ang maliit na blessing. Lalaki rin yan!
My point? Unless you see the big blessings in the small blessings, you’ll never receive the big blessings. Because every small blessing has a big blessing waiting to come out

Be A Blessing Expert

My friend is a bird expert.
He can spot a bird from far away, tell you its breed, its lineage, its migratory timetable… (I told him I only know 2 kinds of birds. Small bird and Big Bird. Yes, the one who lives in Sesame Street.)
I have another friend who is a plant expert.
She can spot a plant a mile away, and tell you its scent, and its scientific name. She won’t just say, “Sampaguita”. She’ll say, “Sampaguitatious Beinte Pesosis” or something like that.
I have another friend who is a Star expert.
Not the astronomical stars. But the showbiz stars. She can spot an artista (actress) a mile away. When she does, she’ll tell you the star’s latest movie, latest song, latest boyfriend, latest liposuction treatment…
Me? I’m a Blessing Expert.
I can spot a blessing a mile away. I know a blessing’s shape, smell, color, sound… Because of this, I see blessings everywhere.
Blessing Experts are happy people.

But I know people who are Problem Experts.
Believe me, you don’t want to hang out with them. To them, everything is a problem. Including you. They’re miserable people and they’ll make everyone else miserable.

When you’re a Blessing Expert, you see more blessings. And thus, you receive more blessings.
Athletes call this the power of visualization.


Now, let me ask you again....  would you still want to be called "Problem Experts?"

See you next blog.. :)